sábado, 11 de abril de 2009

"Bluetooth 3.0 prepped for launch on April 21"

De http://digg.com/d1oNdM.

Lo más interesante: "Bluetooth 3.0 will bring with it dramatically-improved file transfer speeds by using 802.11 technology (not technically WiFi, which is a certified version of 802.11 standards) that will enable the transfer of much larger files. The previous spec was fine for the transfer of more bite-sized data, like contact info or calendar items, but as mobile devices evolve to become our entertainment centers on-the-go, a speed improvement will certainly be helpful for transferring things like video and music collections."

Hay que abrir el canuto...

En http://www.tgdaily.com/html_tmp/content-view-42003-118.html aparece la noticia según la cual la UE se plantea forzar a los aperadores a la apertura del tráfico VoIP de terceros sobre sus conexiones de datos... ¿regularán entonces el servicio de voz que estos prestan a los usuarios? ¿o se tratará de una apertura incondicional?...

viernes, 10 de abril de 2009

Esto es España

Sin palabras...
"Cambio de planes. La compañía Renfe optó ayer por retrasar veinte minutos la salida del Alvia de las 8.04 horas con destino a Madrid para rescatar a los viajeros que reservaron plazas para un Ave a las 8.30 horas, que fue suprimido sin previo aviso a pesar de que se pudieron comprar billetes durante tres días para este convoy. La presencia de personal del Adif y de la operadora ferroviaria fue fundamental para evitar los despistes."

Por si tienes un rato

Web 2.0 en palabras de Tim O'Reilly. Nada novedoso pero intersante de escuchar una vez en la vida...

Acuerdo Google - Universal Music

Finalmente los conflictos derivados de la publicación de vídeos musicales en youtube se va a resolver con la creación de un sitio web que concentrará los vídeos musicales de Universal, que a su vez serán embebidos desde las páginas de youtube. Vevo será el nombre del nuevo 'engendro' en el que Universal pone los contenidos y Youtube/Google la tecnología. Más info en:

Marcha imperial de Star Wars en un escáner

Sorprendente instrumento musical que se ha buscado esta gente... sin embargo, el resultado es sorprendentemente bueno. Yo me pregunto... ¿de dónde surgió la idea?

domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

APIs Google for Dummies

Interesante seminario de introducción al desarrollo web2.0 con APIs Google. Sólo para novatos!

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008

Cargar el iphone al sol

Idea muy interesante... una célula fotovoltaica detras debajo de la pantalla del iphone para recargar su batería. ¿Quién duda del interés de las patentes?

sábado, 24 de mayo de 2008

OpenSocial, firt steps...

Ver este vídeo me ha picado... voy a probarlo... Para empezar, la página http://code.google.com/apis/opensocial/docs/0.7/devguide.html es bastante clarificadora.

Web sites hosteados por Google 'for free'

Un vídeo vale más que mil palabras... pero en resumen, google ofrece una herramienta para construir web sites hosteados por ellos gratuitamente.

Yo, de momento, ya he creado la mía... ahora mismo el espacio de almacenamiento es de 100 MB: http://sites.google.com/site/dvelben/

¿3G iPhone would be available in Spain on June 18?

Extraigo de http://dvice.com/archives/2008/05/shift_iphone_20.php los aspectos más interesantes sobre iPhone 2.0:

"What It Will HaveFirst, an 3G HSPA network connection — 7.2Mbps speed, which is roughly twice as fast as EV-DO and around 10 times the top speed of EDGE, which is what the current iPhone rides on. AT&T's 7.2Mbps HSPA network is available in 270 markets, and should be in 350 by the end of the year. Plus, AT&T has announced plans to nearly triple its HSPA network speed next year.

Next, we get iPhone software 2.0. Other cellphones enable some third-party application downloads, but none will compare to the flood of inventive applications being cooked up even as we blog. Once downloaded, you'll be able to add a direct access icon on iPhone's home screen. We could see hundreds of third party apps by Christmas, all vetted by Apple and all listed on and accessible from Apple's Web site (as opposed to the unofficial stuff for hacked iPhones that's been circulating since last summer).

What It Might Have.This is all we know for sure. What follows is a collection of what I consider to be the most reliable Web rumors. As such, each should be taken with a boulder of salt. As such, mentally put the word "reportedly" after every "will."

Switchable 3G: That fast Net connection will most certainly tax the new iPhone's battery. To save watts, a settings toggle will enable you to turn off 3G access, a feature we've never seen in any 3G phone from any carrier (though according to some commenters below, it appears in some high-end Nokia models).

Thinner, Lighter: iPhone 2.0 will chuck its sturdy aluminum-magnesium shell for a lighter plastic enclosure. This will reduce iPhone's heft by as much as two ounces from its current 4.8-ounce weight. The new enclosure could further flatten the new iPhone by 2.5mm. Lighter is good, but plastic could make the iPhone feel cheap and more breakable.

HSPA iTunes Downloads: Apple is talking to major labels about allowing consumers to download tracks using the AT&T network rather than limiting iTunes access to Wi-Fi, but the labels want more money per track.

Real GPS: This would supplement the network-assisted location software iPhone currently uses. This would allow third-party development of voice-assisted turn-by-turn directions.
Normal, Non-recessed Headphone Jack: 'Nuff said.

Contact Search, iCal Invite Folder: Both of these will be part of improvements in iPhone's Address Book and iCal compatibility.

Background Application Support: Third-party apps will run in the background, although it's hard to say how this will manifest itself since we don't know what cool apps may be coming.

Web Image Save: You'll be able to save Web images from Safari to iPhone's photo album."